The Birth of Jakki Originals
In the 1970's
She created a line of crocheted hats, scarves and accessories
In 1973, Jakki tapped into a powerful creative energy hidden deep within herself. Naive, young and experiencing difficult times, too often she felt overwhelmed with many harsh realities knocking her to her knees. To distract from her pain and suffering, one day she picked up a needle and yarn and began to crochet based on what she had been taught about it as a child. As the yarn took form, crocheting techniques started to become clear. The more she worked with her hands, the better she felt. Remembering that her hands had been anointed and blessed in church, years earlier, she knew that something new and different was being released from within and it felt so right! Through what she felt was a calming means of escape, she had created a whole line of handcrafted hats, scarves and accessories. Healing began, joy replaced the pain, and life deep within was being restored. Jakki was "hooked." What was a healing hobby creating hats and scarves, evolved into Jakki Originals.
Jakki Originals' first label in 1973